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Tags: induction training, health and safety induction, health and safety induction training, health and safety training, health and safety standards, health and safety training for new people,

Four health and safety induction duties your new recruits must know

by Louise Harty, 08 October 2013
Picture this... It's Joe's first day on the job. He doesn't know what your safety signs mean and walks into your blasting area with no hard hat on.... Keep reading for four of the duties you must train your Joe and all your new employees on.

Dear Reader

Picture this… It's Joe's first day on the job. He doesn't know what your safety signs mean and walks into your blasting area with no hard hat on. Your company can get a fine from the DoL, and Joe could land up in hospital or worse… put others in danger.

Health and Safety induction training is vital! Keep reading for four of the duties you must train your Joe and all your new employees on.  


Prepare your training sessions in line with health and safety standards:

Did you know that if you employ even one worker, you must comply with this legislation?

Did you know that if you hire contractors to work on your site or at your workplace that this legislation also applies to you?

If you don't comply with the COID Act you could end up facing criminal prosecution.

I have a solution that'll make sure you comply with all your COID obligations and have the correct paperwork in place!
•    Without high costs;
•    Without external support;
•    On your own; and
•    Within minutes

By simply clicking here…


Four health and safety induction duties your new recruits must know
  1. Your employee is responsible for his own safety! He must comply with the OHS Act and company safety regulations.
  2. Your employee must always wear their PPE where required. They mustn't abuse or damage their PPE.
Read on for the last two duties your new employee must know…


Are you responsible for compiling your SHE file?

Are you struggling to keep up-to-date with all the paperwork?
Do you waste your time formatting all the documents?
Are you stressed out about all your legal requirements?

Of course you are. You have enough on your plate already, and keeping up with paperwork isn't on the top of your to-do list. But unfortunately, it's part of your job because it's a legal requirement. And, you've answered 'YES' to at least half of the questions above.


Four health and safety induction duties your new recruits must know… continued
  1. He must take care of his own safety and of his fellow employees. If your employee sees something that may harm him or another employee, he must take the necessary steps to prevent it.
  2. Ensure your employee arrives fit for work. For example, he mustn't party the night before and arrive at work drunk. This is a safety hazard and your employees can get hurt.

As I mentioned, these are only some of the duties your new employee needs to know in his health and safety induction training. Turn to page I01/008 in your Health and Safety Training Manual for everything your health and safety induction session needs to include.

Stay safe,

Louise Harty
Senior Product Manager: Health and Safety

PS – Do you know your health and safety duties, as the employer? The induction-training module in your Health and Safety Training Manual tells you these too. Click here if you don't have one.
Author: Louise Harty
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Labour and HR Club Top Question:

How do I decide if a disciplinary hearing is necessary for my employee?

How do I decide if a disciplinary hearing is necessary for my employee? [see the answer]

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