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What does the new Employee Tax Incentive Bill mean for your business?

Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]

Research finds that absenteeism is the reason South Africa's losing its competitive edge

New research has found that South Africa's losing its competitive edge. And it's all thanks to absenteeism. That's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There are other worrying trends when it comes to sick leave abuse in the workplace. Here are the details of the study... [read more...]

New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]

Workplace Health And Safety

  • Warning: Without an emergency evacuation plan, you won't be able to evacuate your employees if your building catches fire!
  • An accident at the site of one of Eskom's newest projects - the Ingula pumped storage scheme near Ladysmith- claimed the lives of six Eskom workers. The project site has been closed while external investigators try to determine the cause of the accident, and all workers have been evacuated.What about your company? Would your evacuation plan have been able to protect your employees' lives?... ››› more
  • [07 November 2013]
  • Why you need to develop a good relationship with your employees and their union
  • If you think there's no need to establish a good working relationship with your employees' union, you might want to rethink that. Read on to discover why you need to have a good relationship with your employees and their union.... ››› more
  • [30 September 2013]
  • A new way to make sure your employees are safe
  • As a Health and Safety officer, we are forever looking for ways to keep our employees safe. I read an interesting article and it got me thinking of a new way that you can do this...... ››› more
  • [11 September 2013]
  • What's more important... Your title as Health and Safety Officer, or your responsibilities?
  • Safety officer, here's five tips to educate your colleagues and managers on what you do in a health and safety capacity so they'll understand how vital it is to your business.... ››› more
  • [09 September 2013]
  • Three steps to keep contagious diseases out of the office
  • What do you do when one of your employees comes to you and says that he has Tuberculosis (TB)? It's a contagious, or communicable, disease that can spread from one employee to another. And if it spreads through your office, it could mean groups of your employees staying away from work. This'll obviously affect productivity and your bottom line.... ››› more
  • [05 September 2013]
  • Do you have good ergonomic practices in your factory? Take our quiz to see if you pass...
  • Your injured-on-duty employees can claim thousands from the compensation fund. It costs you in medical expenses and in employee absenteeism too. Take our quick ergonomic quiz to see if your employees are safe...... ››› more
  • [03 September 2013]
  • Staff lunch? If they get food poisoning, you're to blame!
  • Whether you run an office canteen or just get a caterer for company functions, watch out. It's your responsibility to ensure that there's no food contamination. And if your staff get sick from food you provide, you're liable for their illness! Read on to discover the food safety tips to keep you out of the doghouse...... ››› more
  • [07 August 2013]
  • Ergonomics: How to set up your workstation
  • Generally, I think people don't pay all that much attention to the way their station at work is set up. Take, for example, my colleague. A few months ago a piece from one of the wheels on her chair broke off. Since then, there's been an ever-so-slight tilt to her chair. She's been complaining about back pain lately, and today we realised this tiny little problem could be the cause! Don't underestimate the value of good ergonomic practices. It could mean the difference between a good work situation and a great one!... ››› more
  • [05 August 2013]
  • Make sure you're not like Charles' manager when you display your safety signs
  • Charles liked to smoke in the yard while he takes his break. One morning, his manager stored gas bottles in a cage in that area and displayed safety signs to warn his employees. When Charles arrived at his favourite smoking spot, he saw the green safety signs and knew from his training that green safety signs were for general information only. But in South Africa warning signs are red not green! As Charles smoked, he walked directly to where the gas bottles were kept and put himself in danger of an explosion! Keep reading to find out which safety signs his manager should've used!... ››› more
  • [02 August 2013]
  • Prevent a Telkom strike and save your company thousands with these four steps
  • Telkom is facing a crippling strike. This after failing to reach an agreement over wages with unions Solidarity and the South African Communications Union (Sacu). According to itweb, lunchtime pickets begin this week, with full-blown industrial action threatened by one union for next week if the wage negotiation stalemate continues. Telkom isn't the only company facing strike action, a wild cat strike began last week Wednesday at the Consolidated Murchison gold and antimony mine in Limpopo, BDlive reports. The unprotected strike comes as wage talks between unions and the Chamber of Mines begin this week. Since prevention is better than cure, here are five steps you can use to prevent a strike altogether.... ››› more
  • [15 July 2013]
  • Use these three tips to help prevent HIV in your workplace
  • Although the risk of contracting HIV in the workplace is minimal in most contexts, you still need to provide a workplace environment that's safe for your employees. And that's why HIV prevention should be an integral part in your workplace health and safety plan...... ››› more
  • [04 July 2013]
  • I'm going to lay a criminal charge against my son's teacher
  • My son had a mild headache before school. But like all working parents, I had no choice but to send him to his pre-school. At 4 pm, my son was complaining to his teacher about the headache and because he was running a temperature of 38 degrees, the teacher gave him Panado syrup.... ››› more
  • [26 June 2013]
  • Follow these 7 rules to select a toolbox talk topic
  • It's not always easy to identify hazards and risks in your company and take the corrective measures to protect the health and safety of your employees. You must also inform, provide instructions and train your employees on these hazards and risks they're faced with. To make your job easier, I recommend you implement Toolbox Talks. Toolbox Talks is an effective way to comply with your legal obligations and show the Department of Labour (DoL) you're doing all you can to meet your legal requirements. And if the DoL is happy, it means no fines or jail time for you!... ››› more
  • [11 June 2013]
  • Eight vehicles your driver will require a PrDP for
  • Today, I was driving next to a gentleman in an enormous 4X4. I happened to glance over, and saw him paging through a magazine! I wanted to roll down my window and shout, 'If it's not too much trouble, would you mind keeping your eyes on the road?' It got me thinking about professional drivers, i.e. people who drive for a living, and the permits they must have to do so.... ››› more
  • [10 June 2013]
  • Do you have zombies working in your office?
  • Do your employees look like zombies from horror movies? When you go into a meeting do you have vampires staring back at you with blood shot eyes, complaining of headaches? Maybe it's that extra glass of wine they shouldn't have had the night before, OR maybe it's eyestrain... Just because your employees work in front of a computer the whole day, doesn't mean that they aren't faced with any risks! Most of your employees spend their days at work staring at a computer screen. By the end of the day they've got a monster headache and eyes that feel tired and sore. This results in lower productivity - and less revenue for you - so it's in your interests to read this now!... ››› more
  • [10 June 2013]
  • Make sure you're compiling your manual risk assessment reports... at least until you can get your hands on the Google Glass
  • Google Glass is a pair of spectacles that's connected to the internet. While this sounds like fantasy has become reality for many a tech fan, it's also being tested by a workplace health and safety firm in Australia, as it's believed wearing the Google Glass could drastically improve levels of health and safety by preventing incidents - much the same way as you already do by filing risk assessments. Here's what you can look forward to in the future!... ››› more
  • [24 May 2013]
  • Risk assessments: The best way to ensure your health and safety standards aren't sending your employees to their death bed!
  • 'We are killing our workers!' These aren't the words of murderous managers. Instead, the phrase is from a major independent report released yesterday on the state of New Zealand's workplace safety culture. While New Zealand's been shocked into drastically improving its health and safety standards, your company can follow suit. All you need to do is implement more risk assessments in the running of your everyday business.... ››› more
  • [03 May 2013]
  • Don't let your business go up in smoke! Store your company's flammable liquids safely and legally
  • Over 50% of work-related burn injuries every year are caused by the careless use and storage of flammable liquids, such as petrol and methylated spirits. And more than half of these occur during business hours. Read on to discover the steps you need to take to protect your employees from flammable liquids in the workplace.... ››› more
  • [15 April 2013]
  • Nine ways to ensure your employees don't fall asleep on night duty
  • If your employees work times other than the usual 8 to 5, working night shift can negatively impact the productivity of your company and result in severe incidents on site. Night shift work forces your employee to sleep when activities around him and his own 'biological rhythms' signal him to be awake. But there's a way to help your night shift workers cope with odd working hours and not fall sleep on duty. Read on to find out what to do...... ››› more
  • [11 April 2013]
  • If you're over the legal noise rating limit then read this now!
  • Make sure your workplace noise is kept at the right levels so you don't end up with an inbox full of COID claims from employees experiencing hearing loss. If the courts find you guilty of neglecting to comply with your obligations, they could sentence you to prison for up to six months! Put the correct rules in place to minimise such incidents and protect yourself from liabilities. Start by making sure you know how much noise your employees are exposed to. And put measures in place to protect your staff from dangerous exposure to noise.... ››› more
  • [08 April 2013]

Page: 1 2 »
There are 47 ways to get more money back from SARS
Save your business from penalties by being an instant audit expert!
Make a dismissal stick, even if it goes to the CCMA
Get the only DoL recognised way to train your HSE representative
You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
3 Instances where you don't have to pay Capital Gains Tax...
Exclusive report: Calling all HR managers - this is a must read!
>>Read more<<
Improve your cash flow and eliminate simple accounting mistakes
The HR resource that’s making over 13 240 managers' lives MUCH easier!
Employers - You must display a summary of the BCEA and EEA
Get your summaries here
Find out how to recruit staff effectively
Cut your health and safety training bill by 80%
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Even part-time staff must have a contract

40 Tools to Manage your Business Tax Risk

MANDATORY NOTICE FOR ALL EMPLOYERS: no matter how many people you employ 1 or 100

Read more now
Giant health and safety mistakes that 2 out of 3 companies make every year

Save R24 469 by keeping an accurate logbook today

Attention Employers! From the Department of Labour: Not displaying summaries of the EE Act and BCEA in the workplace is punishable by law

Read more here

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