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How to avoid a Miss SA type nepotism scandal in your workplace
There's a fresh scandal surrounding the Miss South Africa pageant. A few weeks back, news reports indicated that the general public wasn't happy with the choice of judges for the pageant. Now there's a rumours of t. And it's put the spotlight back on nepotism in the workplace. [read more...]Strikes: What does 'issue in dispute' mean?
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Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]by FSP Business, 27 January 2014 |
Don't know what DTAs are? If so, don't fret, the Practical Tax Loose Leaf Service has an explanation for you.
Double Taxation Agreements explained
DTAs are agreements that two jurisdictions enter into to prevent the same income from being taxed twice. It also prevents fiscal evasion.
Essentially, the purpose of DTAs is to eliminate double taxation.
These agreements help address issues of different tax systems and stipulates which jurisdiction has the primary right to the taxation. The agreement lays down specific rules which one jurisdiction must follow in taxing the residents of other jurisdictions.
The four taxes that form part of the agreements are:
Important: You must review the agreement relating to each country that you deal with in trade. Know the terms and provisions of that DTA, as one agreement may differ from the next. The starting point is to determine your residence so you can apply the agreement.
Remember that South Africa has a resident-based tax system, so you'll pay tax in South Africa on your worldwide income if you're a resident of South Africa.
The Practical Tax Loose Leaf Service explains that if the source State taxes you (for example, the UK) because of a permanent establishment (known as PE), that's in the source state, you can claim a credit for the tax that you pay in the UK against your South African tax liability. If you do this, you won't pay tax twice on the same income.
If you want to know more about DTAs, for example, whether they're still under negotiation, already signed, but not ratified in one of the member states, or whether they're in force, .
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I tend to see line Managers giving work to subordinates on a daily or weekly basis. some of us got to use our initiative to impress the boss so our contracts can be renewed. There is a problem in such a scenario ... [see the answer]