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What does the new Employee Tax Incentive Bill mean for your business?
Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]Research finds that absenteeism is the reason South Africa's losing its competitive edge
New research has found that South Africa's losing its competitive edge. And it's all thanks to absenteeism. That's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There are other worrying trends when it comes to sick leave abuse in the workplace. Here are the details of the study... [read more...]New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...
Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]by FSP Business, 20 December 2013 |
It's crucial that you account for your tax invoices correctly if you sell goods on behalf of other people in your retirement home.
How do you go about doing this?
Here's what to do if you sell goods on behalf of other people in your retirement home
If you display paintings, embroidery, crochet and other art works in your retirement home and sell them on a commission basis, do the following…
The Practical Vat Loose Leaf Service explains that if the artist isn't a vendor, you mustn't issue a tax invoice to the customer.
Simply issue a tax invoice to the artist for the commission you charge (including Vat).
The commission (and not the selling price of the item) must be included in the amount on which you calculate output tax.
What if the artist is a vendor?
If the artist is a vendor, you may issue a tax invoice to the customer.
Don't include the price of the painting in the amount on which you calculate output tax. Calculate your output tax on the commission you charge the artist only, and give a copy of the tax invoice to the artist with the money (including Vat).
The artist is the principal regarding the sale of the art and must declare output tax on the selling price. You'll be acting as his agent. He will claim input tax on the Vat on your commission. Usually, you'll deduct your commission (including Vat) from the amount paid over.
Now that you know the consequences of selling goods on behalf of other people in your retirement home, make sure you account for your invoices correctly to avoid getting on the wrong side of SARS.
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I have some fixed term contractors whose contracts won't be renewed when the client's contract expires. But the line manager wants to keep some of the contractors employed and make them temporary employees instead. ... [see the answer]