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What does the new Employee Tax Incentive Bill mean for your business?

Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]

Research finds that absenteeism is the reason South Africa's losing its competitive edge

New research has found that South Africa's losing its competitive edge. And it's all thanks to absenteeism. That's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There are other worrying trends when it comes to sick leave abuse in the workplace. Here are the details of the study... [read more...]

New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]


  • Have you given something to someone for free? If so, read on to find out how much donations tax you'll have to pay....... ››› more
  • [02 December 2013]
  • Want to ensure all probationers have a fair chance to prove themselves? Do these eight things...
  • There are eight things you can do to ensure all probationers are given a fair chance to prove themselves. Read on to find out what these things are, so you can avoid unfair discrimination in your workplace.... ››› more
  • [02 December 2013]
  • What happens if you've made an overpayment of provisional tax?
  • As you know, failing to comply with the law when paying your provisional tax will cost you up to 10% in penalties, interest and additional tax of 20% on the outstanding amount. But do you know what happens when you've complied with your provisional tax obligations and have in fact paid more than your total liability? Read on to find out...... ››› more
  • [02 December 2013]
  • Preparing for arbitration? Ask these eight questions when examining the merits of your case
  • When conciliation fails, a party may request the CCMA to resolve the dispute by arbitration. At an arbitration hearing, a commissioner gives both parties (you and your employee) an opportunity to fully state your cases. One of the vital steps in preparation for arbitration is to examine the merits of your case. Here are the eight important questions you should ask yourself...... ››› more
  • [02 December 2013]
  • Do you know what the law says about employing people with HIV and Aids?
  • Yesterday millions of South Africans joined the international community in commemorating World Aids Day. The day which is held every year on 1 December is aimed at raising awareness about HIV and to show support to people living with the virus. Estimates show there are 6.4 million HIV-positive people in South Africa. This means it's possible that you'll have to deal with HIV-positive employees as an employer. Read on to find out what the law says about HIV/Aids and employing people with HIV.... ››› more
  • [02 December 2013]
  • What do you do if you need to cancel an employee's leave?
  • It happens every year, you get your employees' end of the year forms in, approve them and then disaster strikes. You have a major emergency or your employee misses a crucial deadline and now you have to tell him he'll have to work. But can you legally do it?... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • Are your company toolbox talks stuck in a rut? Consider these topics...
  • It's your responsibility to constantly update the health and safety training of your staff. And that's why you conduct weekly toolbox talks. But what do you do if you've already covered the obvious ones - fire safety, evacuation plans, and first aid? We have some suggestions...... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • The correct way to allocate travel expenses when you charge clients
  • If you spend any money travelling to clients, you'll know that the expenses quickly rack up. Most companies charge their clients for these travel related costs. But do you know how to account for these in the best way, so you don't have to pay any additional charges on the amount? Have a look at this question we got on the Accounting and Tax club and the answer from our expert Alan Lewis, Tax Advocate.... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • Four golden rules to receiving thirty quality CVs online
  • Nadine in HR got an email. She has to find a new developer. She uploads a quick advert online. The next day her Inbox had six hundred and fifty three new CVs. The more she deletes, the more they keep coming in.... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • Wal-Mart suffers deadly construction accident: Make sure your site doesn't follow suit
  • Many people think construction accidents only happen to small, little-known construction companies. Not true! This is evident in the latest construction incident which involved the electrocution and death of a construction employee at one of Wal-Mart's stores in Arkansas. Could yours be the next construction site that makes the news for all the wrong reasons? Here's how to ensure it's not...... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • How to ensure those January promotions are NOT a CCMA case waiting to happen
  • When the news broke that Janet Yellen will be promoted to US Fed boss when current chairman Ben Bernanke departs at the end of January, the world was stunned. After all, Yellen will be the first woman to run this high-stress job. But that type of thinking is unfair and definitely borders on discrimination. To make sure you don't make this mistake when promoting employees in your company, follow these fair promotion tips...... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • Developing a method statement? Here's what to include
  • Construction Regulation 12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) governs the safety aspect of demolishing structures such as buildings and bridges. One of the requirements under this regulation is that you develop a method statement when doing demolition work. Here's what you must include in yours...... ››› more
  • [28 November 2013]
  • Who is a provisional taxpayer?
  • Provisional tax is a tax system that makes taxpayers estimate and pay their taxes in the form of two payments (one every six months), instead of having to pay one large sum at the end of the tax year. But, do you know who SARS considers a provisional taxpayer? Read on to find out if you qualify.... ››› more
  • [28 November 2013]
  • When should you object to con-arb?
  • Con-arb is a combination of conciliation and arbitration. It's a process in which a dispute is conciliated and, if the dispute's not settled during conciliation. The commissioner then moves straight into holding arbitration. Read on to discover when it might be better for you to object to con-arb.... ››› more
  • [28 November 2013]
  • Are you allowed to refuse a DoL inspector entry onto your site?
  • One of the most common questions regarding inspections is whether or not employers are allowed to refuse a DoL inspector entry onto their construction sites. Read on to find out what the law says about this...... ››› more
  • [28 November 2013]

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 »
There are 47 ways to get more money back from SARS
Save your business from penalties by being an instant audit expert!
Make a dismissal stick, even if it goes to the CCMA
Get the only DoL recognised way to train your HSE representative
You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
3 Instances where you don't have to pay Capital Gains Tax...
Exclusive report: Calling all HR managers - this is a must read!
>>Read more<<
Improve your cash flow and eliminate simple accounting mistakes
The HR resource that’s making over 13 240 managers' lives MUCH easier!
Employers - You must display a summary of the BCEA and EEA
Get your summaries here
Find out how to recruit staff effectively
Cut your health and safety training bill by 80%
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Even part-time staff must have a contract

40 Tools to Manage your Business Tax Risk

MANDATORY NOTICE FOR ALL EMPLOYERS: no matter how many people you employ 1 or 100

Read more now
Giant health and safety mistakes that 2 out of 3 companies make every year

Save R24 469 by keeping an accurate logbook today

Attention Employers! From the Department of Labour: Not displaying summaries of the EE Act and BCEA in the workplace is punishable by law

Read more here

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