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What does the new Employee Tax Incentive Bill mean for your business?
Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]Research finds that absenteeism is the reason South Africa's losing its competitive edge
New research has found that South Africa's losing its competitive edge. And it's all thanks to absenteeism. That's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There are other worrying trends when it comes to sick leave abuse in the workplace. Here are the details of the study... [read more...]New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...
Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]by FSP Business, 29 November 2013 |
Company allowances and deductions can be hard. Trying to figure what is and what isn't tax deductible is enough to give any manager grey hairs.
But the team behind the Practical Tax Loose Leaf has some smart ways to maximise your deductions.
Here they are
Use these four tips to deduct even more tax – 100% legally
Tip #1: Deduct expenses you haven't paid for yet
You don't have to pay for an expense for it to be allowed as a deduction. Expenditure actually incurred doesn't mean expenditure actually paid during the year of assessment. It means all expenditure for which a liability has been incurred during the year, whether the liability has been paid for during that year or not.
The same applies in accounting. You need to recognise the expenditure as soon as you have or expect an outflow of cash, or a liability is created.
Tip #2: Claim expenses even if your business fails
It's not necessary for your business to actually generate income. It's only necessary that the expense be incurred for the purpose of producing that income.
The mere fact that a business fails to make a profit has nothing whatsoever to do with whether the expenses were incurred in an effort to produce income.
Tip #3: Investigating fraud is deductible
The costs of the investigation and legal advice related to embezzlement and fraud are generally allowable as tax-deductible.
Tip #4: Claim finance charges
This expense is often overlooked by the average taxpayer, don't make this mistake. Claim the finance charges (interest) where your car was purchased on a hire purchase contract. Just remember that you can only claim the interest attributable to that particular tax year.
Therefore, if your rental contract is over 60 months, the deduction will be 12/60 of the interest chargeable. Alternatively, request your financier to confirm the exact amount paid for that year. Take into account any reduction or increase in the interest payable.
There you have it. In these trying economic times, finding ways to keep your taxes low isn't as hard as you thought. You just need to be smart when it comes to what SARS will and won't allow when it comes to allowances and deductions.
Good day My case is coming up soon. I was a snr manager that was victimized and it finally lead to a suspension and disciplinary. Nothing relating to the case was about work performance. It was a witch hunt from the ... [see the answer]