Accounting and tax club
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What does the new Employee Tax Incentive Bill mean for your business?

Unemployment is a big problem in South Africa. So it's no wonder that government has finally stepped in to reverse the high levels that affect the youth. How? By making sure its new Employee Tax Incentive Bill comes into effect. And it will, the minute 2014 ushers in. Here's what you need to know [read more...]

Research finds that absenteeism is the reason South Africa's losing its competitive edge

New research has found that South Africa's losing its competitive edge. And it's all thanks to absenteeism. That's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There are other worrying trends when it comes to sick leave abuse in the workplace. Here are the details of the study... [read more...]

New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]

Philip Rosenberg

  • How to Video: Five simple steps to stop purchasing fraud happening to your business!
  • If you don't think fraud can happen to you...Think again! I hear stories every day from our readers about the fraud South African companies fall victim to on a daily basis. And today I'm giving you five simple steps to stop purchasing fraud happening to your business!... ››› more
  • [05 December 2013]
  • The correct way to allocate travel expenses when you charge clients
  • If you spend any money travelling to clients, you'll know that the expenses quickly rack up. Most companies charge their clients for these travel related costs. But do you know how to account for these in the best way, so you don't have to pay any additional charges on the amount? Have a look at this question we got on the Accounting and Tax club and the answer from our expert Alan Lewis, Tax Advocate.... ››› more
  • [29 November 2013]
  • Four simple steps to stop purchasing fraud happening to your business
  • Don't think fraud can happen to you? Think again! That's exactly what Ike Cellular's management thought before they became a victim. You see, at Ike Cellular, Grace the bookkeeper places all the company orders, checks them and captures the supplier invoices. When Grace is off, Paula handles the orders on her behalf. What Paula discovered a few months ago shocked her! Read on to find out what happened, and how you can avoid fraud related shocks in your company.... ››› more
  • [13 November 2013]
  • Do 2014's budgets and forecasts in one day
  • It's that time of year again... Budgets and forecasts are at the top of the agenda. Have you been putting off doing your budgets and forecasts for 2014? This year is different. Why? You ask. Well, I'll tell you.... ››› more
  • [01 November 2013]
  • Discover how to filter data in Excel to keep track of employee productivity
  • R.B. is the manager of a consulting company. He wants to issue monthly invoices to customers for services provided during the month. Currently, each consultant completes a daily Excel document with all activities performed for each client. R.B. wants an easy way to see what each consultant did for each client. Is there a way to do this with Excel?... ››› more
  • [16 October 2013]
  • Order the perfect amount of stock every time with these six steps
  • James recently wrote to the accounting helpdesk with a problem. He never orders the right amount of stock to meet demand. He either orders too much stock, and then sits with the problem of paying warehouse fees and dealing with stock damage, or he orders too little, and can't meet demand.... ››› more
  • [07 October 2013]
  • How to correctly account for travel expenses
  • Whether you're the company charging for travel time, or you're the company receiving invoices that include travel expenses from a consultant, you'll need to account for this effectively. Let's have a look at how to account for travel reimbursements effectively.... ››› more
  • [26 September 2013]
  • Part 2: Six solutions to prevent internet payment fraud
  • In part 1( of our two part newsletter series on internet payment fraud, we looked at the six internet payment fraud schemes you need to look out for. Now let's have a look at the top tips to keep internet payment fraud out of your business...... ››› more
  • [13 September 2013]
  • Part 2: A story of death and taxes
  • Last week I shared a discussion in a LinkedIn group that I came across. Basically a member of the LinkedIn group asking his fellow accounting enthusiasts about how to report money that an insurance company pays to his client.... ››› more
  • [15 August 2013]
  • A story of death and taxes
  • I came across a discussion on a LinkedIn group that I want to share with you. The member wrote in about his client Jacob's business. Jacob runs a funeral home. He has just landed a contract with an insurance broker who provides funeral cover.... ››› more
  • [02 August 2013]
  • Mohammed Yacoob landed up in court for filling in his Vat returns wrong
  • Pietermaritzburg security boss Mohommed Yacoob appeared in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate's Court in July for allegedly defrauding SARS of R12.5 million for Vat. If you fill in your Vat return wrong, you could spark a Vat audit and face similar charges. What did Mohommed Yacoob do, and how can you avoid doing the same? Let's have a look...... ››› more
  • [01 August 2013]
  • Never run out of cash in your business! Use these three easy tools to keep cash flowing
  • After a really good month of sales, Mike, a business owner of a small chocolate factory, expects his bank account to show a large positive bank balance. When he checks, he sees his bank account is overdrawn.... ››› more
  • [22 July 2013]
  • How to claim Vat back before you're a Vat vendor!
  • One of our Accounting and Tax Club members asked if he can get a Vat refund back on property expenses. The real kicker is, he hasn't registered for Vat yet!... ››› more
  • [18 July 2013]
  • Should you lease your business vehicle: Part one
  • Deciding to lease business vehicles isn't a one size fits all rule. There's a lot to think about before you make the decision, especially if you need to purchase more than one vehicle for your business.... ››› more
  • [05 July 2013]
  • Jeremy donated his office computers to the local primary school, and SARS penalised him
  • Jeremy runs a successful retail shop in Melville. Business is picking up, and he's realised there's a need for him to upgrade all of his computers. He decides to give his old computers to the local primary school to teach computer literacy to the children.... ››› more
  • [04 July 2013]
  • Property developers made a big splash about selling cheap properties... here's what they didn't tell you
  • For most first time homebuyers, the moment of signing the offer to purchase is filled with nervous excitement. For the Jansen's, it was when they were first confronted with an additional R140 000 on their R1 million dream home.... ››› more
  • [20 June 2013]

Page: 1 2 »
There are 47 ways to get more money back from SARS
Save your business from penalties by being an instant audit expert!
Make a dismissal stick, even if it goes to the CCMA
Get the only DoL recognised way to train your HSE representative
You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
3 Instances where you don't have to pay Capital Gains Tax...
Exclusive report: Calling all HR managers - this is a must read!
>>Read more<<
Improve your cash flow and eliminate simple accounting mistakes
The HR resource that’s making over 13 240 managers' lives MUCH easier!
Employers - You must display a summary of the BCEA and EEA
Get your summaries here
Find out how to recruit staff effectively
Cut your health and safety training bill by 80%
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Even part-time staff must have a contract

40 Tools to Manage your Business Tax Risk

MANDATORY NOTICE FOR ALL EMPLOYERS: no matter how many people you employ 1 or 100

Read more now
Giant health and safety mistakes that 2 out of 3 companies make every year

Save R24 469 by keeping an accurate logbook today

Attention Employers! From the Department of Labour: Not displaying summaries of the EE Act and BCEA in the workplace is punishable by law

Read more here

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