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What can you do about employees who didn't show up to work because of today's taxi strike?

It's a jungle in Jo'burg this morning. Not only is the heavy raining causing havoc on the roads, but thousands of workers are stranded due to today's National Taxi Alliance (NTA) strike. And that's bad news for your business. Here's what you need to know about how to handle employees who couldn't [read more...]

How to avoid a Miss SA type nepotism scandal in your workplace

There's a fresh scandal surrounding the Miss South Africa pageant. A few weeks back, news reports indicated that the general public wasn't happy with the choice of judges for the pageant. Now there's a rumours of t. And it's put the spotlight back on nepotism in the workplace. [read more...]

Strikes: What does 'issue in dispute' mean?

News reports this morning indicate that government intends to meet with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) today in a last ditch attempt to halt a mass strike in the mining sector. The looming strike, which is expected to have a devastating impact on the economy, has [read more...]


  • Term of the day: Con-arb
  • Con-arb: A combination of conciliation and arbitration. If the dispute isn't settled during conciliation the Commissioner will immediately move into arbitration. Conciliation and arbitration take place one after the other on the same day. ››› more
  • [19 August 2013]
  • Warning: Describing allegations incorrectly could be why you lose your case at the CCMA
  • Many employers lose their cases at the CCMA because they didn't describe the allegations (for disciplinary hearing) properly. If the allegations had been properly described, the dismissal would probably have been fair. Luckily your company can avoid this. Here are three rules you must follow to ensure you draft allegations correctly. ››› more
  • [07 August 2013]
  • Five steps you CAN NOT afford to ignore in the run-up to a CCMA conciliation
  • Let's say you've conducted a disciplinary hearing and dismissed your employee, but he decides to take things further for a CCMA conciliation (con-arb) hearing. But now that you've received notification of a scheduled CCMA conciliation hearing, what do you do? Read on to discover the five steps you have to take in the run-up to a CCMA conciliation. ››› more
  • [20 June 2013]
  • Breaking these two rules is as good as giving your employee a blank cheque to take you to the CCMA
  • As the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) just discovered, firing your employee can be an expensive legal exercise if you don't do it properly. In fact, one wrong move could land you at the CCMA. Read on discover two rules that'll help you avoid making costly mistakes. ››› more
  • [06 June 2013]
  • Use this five point checklist to ensure you promote your employees fairly
  • There are two ways to promote an employee fairly. This first one is if the promotion is part of his career development plan. This means he moves up the ladder into a position more senior than his own, once he's proven himself capable of doing so. The second one is if a vacancy opens up in your company and he's promoted. Failure to follow a fair procedure in arriving at your decision to promote may result in you being found guilty of an unfair labour practice. Here's a checklist you can use to ensure you always promote fairly. ››› more
  • [15 April 2013]
  • One way to promote your employee that won't land you at the CCMA for unfair labour practice
  • Did you know that if your reason for promoting an employee is unfair or if you failed to follow a fair procedure in arriving at your decision to promote, you may be guilty of an unfair labour practice? As a result, you could have a claim lodged against you by an aggrieved employee. Read on to find out one technique you can use to promote fairly. ››› more
  • [12 April 2013]
  • Been beaten by an employee at the CCMA? Here's how to handle his return to work
  • Losing a CCMA case against your employee can be a bitter pill to swallow. Especially if you were convinced you had all the evidence you needed to win and have your employee dismissed. But studies show one in two employers lose their cases at the CCMA and have to let their employee come back to work. But how do you manage him now that he\'s back? Read on to find out what to do... ››› more
  • [03 April 2013]
  • Newsflash: You can get a second chance to avoid the CCMA
  • - The Ultimate Job Description Toolbox
    - 4 Tips to deal with a disciplinary appeal
    - Your 57 assistants for new employees are on stand-by
    ››› more
  • [20 March 2013]
  • Don't go straight to the CCMA - try a bargaining council first
  • Nothing\'s above the law - even the law itself, it seems. The Free Market Foundation has just launched a constitutional challenge against sections of the Labour Relations Act that allow for collective agreements made in bargaining councils to be extended to non-member employers and employees, says the TimesLive. But you may need to face a bargaining council sooner than you think... ››› more
  • [07 March 2013]
  • Consider these five factors before you start a retrenchment process to legally retrench employees
  • A dark cloud hangs over South African mine workers with imminent retrenchments reported by many of the mining giants. This means employers may be at risk of facing major disputes from unhappy employees who feel they haven't been retrenched legally. Don't let this happen to you. Here are five factors you need to consider before you retrench employees. ››› more
  • [26 February 2013]

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Attention Employers! From the Department of Labour: Not displaying summaries of the EE Act and BCEA in the workplace is punishable by law

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