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What can you do about employees who didn't show up to work because of today's taxi strike?

It's a jungle in Jo'burg this morning. Not only is the heavy raining causing havoc on the roads, but thousands of workers are stranded due to today's National Taxi Alliance (NTA) strike. And that's bad news for your business. Here's what you need to know about how to handle employees who couldn't [read more...]

How to avoid a Miss SA type nepotism scandal in your workplace

There's a fresh scandal surrounding the Miss South Africa pageant. A few weeks back, news reports indicated that the general public wasn't happy with the choice of judges for the pageant. Now there's a rumours of t. And it's put the spotlight back on nepotism in the workplace. [read more...]

Strikes: What does 'issue in dispute' mean?

News reports this morning indicate that government intends to meet with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) today in a last ditch attempt to halt a mass strike in the mining sector. The looming strike, which is expected to have a devastating impact on the economy, has [read more...]


  • Retrenching employees? Don't, unless you've considered these five factors
  • Up to 145 500 jobs and 60% of South Africa's platinum output could be at risk in coming years amid unrest and upheavals in the sector. That's a warning sounded by economists at the Japanese bank, Nomura. They believe rising mining costs as a result of wage increases, regulation, increased electricity prices and a need to drill deeper, as well as political risks, will force SA mines to cut their losses, reports. If this forecast becomes a reality, mines will face disputes from disgruntled employees who feel they haven't been retrenched legally. Don't let this happen to you! Here are five factors you need to consider before you retrench employees. ››› more
  • [19 June 2013]
  • Join government's fight against HIV and Aids: Set up an HIV and Aids workplace programme in your company
  • The South Africa government has been lauded in a United Nations report for its success in the fight against HIV and Aids. According to the report presented by UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon on Monday, Aids-related deaths in South Africa had significantly dropped over the last three years. While this is impressive, the fight against HIV and Aids is far from over and that's why your company needs to lend a hand as well. Here's how an HIV and Aids workplace programme can help the fight against HIV. ››› more
  • [14 June 2013]
  • The proposed ban on labour brokers means more responsibility for you
  • If you thought you had fewer legal obligations when it comes to temporary or fixed-term employees, think again. In fact, if government has its way through the proposed amendments to the Labour Relations Amendment Bill, you'll be forced to treat temporary, fixed-contract and part-time workers on an equal basis after three months. And that's just the tip of the iceberg... ››› more
  • [12 June 2013]
  • Watch the Shuttleworth vs. government case closely if you're considering moving your business assets offshore...
  • Billionaire Mark Shuttleworth is taking the South African government to court. In his legal bid, Shuttleworth aims to have the South Africa's exchange control system declared unconstitutional. Here's why you should watch this impending case closely if you're looking to move your business assets out of SA... ››› more
  • [12 June 2013]
  • Drunk driving charges result in calls for Sedibeng mayor's job
  • 'Sedibeng mayor, Mahole Simon Mofokeng was arrested for allegedly driving while drunk, after bumping into another car while leaving a Vanderbijlpark hotel,' reports The Sowetan. This has resulted in a call by the DA for Mofokeng to be sacked. Here's what to do if one of your employees drunk on the job... ››› more
  • [06 June 2013]
  • Tax practitioners have until the 1st of July to register with SARS in order to comply with the Tax Administration Act of 2012. Failure to do so will mean they'll be forced to stop practising and offering their services until they resit their professional compliance exams. Here's why this should be a top concern for your business...
  • [06 June 2013]
  • Queen Elizabeth deserves a long service award - does one of your employees?
  • Yesterday marked 60 years since Queen Elizabeth formally pledged to serve Britain at her coronation ceremony. That's a long time to be in the same job. Too bad this 'job for life' doesn't come with long service perks. If you have an employee who's been in your company 15 years or more and are considering giving them an award for long service, make sure you understand the tax implications... ››› more
  • [05 June 2013]
  • Brace yourself for wage negotiations as SA's strike season steps into high gear
  • 'With the country experiencing tough economic times and unions emboldened by hefty wage increases granted last year to end strikes, analysts predict difficult months ahead,' reported Fin24 last month. And they weren't wrong! In the past few weeks, FSP Business has repeatedly written on the wildcat strikes hitting the already volatile mining sector. Now, comes news that Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant is set to meet mining unions and their federations ahead of wage negotiation season in the sector... ››› more
  • [03 June 2013]
  • Use this World No-Tobacco Day to encourage smoking employees to quit the habit
  • According to the World Health Organisation, tobacco kills nearly six million people every year. And more than 600 000 of those deaths are non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke. So as the world observes World No Tobacco Day today, why not consider encouraging your employees to quit smoking? Here are four tips you can use to offer non-financial incentives to help smoking employees quit the habit. ››› more
  • [31 May 2013]
  • Ineffective wage negotiations mean the police will go on strike from today!
  • In the latest ironic case of strike action, police across the country will be out of action today due to a strike called by the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union or POPCRU as management still hasn\'t implemented a Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council agreement from 2011. With 42,000 members of the police force expected to march, members of the public have been told not to panic as contingency plans have been set in place. Here\'s how to prevent a similar strike in your workplace by making sure your wage negotiations are effective... ››› more
  • [29 May 2013]

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Make a dismissal stick, even if it goes to the CCMA
You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
Exclusive report: Calling all HR managers - this is a must read!
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