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What can you do about employees who didn't show up to work because of today's taxi strike?

It's a jungle in Jo'burg this morning. Not only is the heavy raining causing havoc on the roads, but thousands of workers are stranded due to today's National Taxi Alliance (NTA) strike. And that's bad news for your business. Here's what you need to know about how to handle employees who couldn't [read more...]

How to avoid a Miss SA type nepotism scandal in your workplace

There's a fresh scandal surrounding the Miss South Africa pageant. A few weeks back, news reports indicated that the general public wasn't happy with the choice of judges for the pageant. Now there's a rumours of t. And it's put the spotlight back on nepotism in the workplace. [read more...]

Strikes: What does 'issue in dispute' mean?

News reports this morning indicate that government intends to meet with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) today in a last ditch attempt to halt a mass strike in the mining sector. The looming strike, which is expected to have a devastating impact on the economy, has [read more...]


  • Invoicing for repossessed goods explained
  • 'The most important link in the Vat chain is the tax invoice.' We mention this ALL the time because an invoice is really that important. Without it, you can't deduct input tax on your purchases. So what does the law say about invoicing for repossessed goods? ››› more
  • [05 February 2014]
  • Want your Vat refund to go smoothly? Do the following when you change your bank details
  • You probably know that SARS makes Vat refund payments electronically to your bank account. This means you must ensure SARS has your full and correct bank details so it can facilitate smooth and uninterrupted refunds. But what happens if you change your bank details? In that case, here's what you must do... ››› more
  • [05 February 2014]
  • Revealed: Three ways SARS use to audit your business
  • SARS is always on the lookout for non-compliant behavior. It does this by conducting audits regularly. In fact, the taxman can use any of these three ways to audit your business... ››› more
  • [24 January 2014]
  • How Vat works in your everyday business life
  • Value-Added Tax (Vat) affects all of us. We pay Vat on things we buy every day. But how does Vat work when you're running a business? Let's find out. ››› more
  • [23 January 2014]
  • Revealed: Two functions your company records must fulfill
  • One tiny error in your company records could make you liable for severe Vat penalties and interest from SARS. Since that's a risk you can't afford to take, continue reading as we outline the two functions your company records must fulfill. ››› more
  • [23 January 2014]
  • Warning: Here's what'll happen if you fail to submit your Vat return on time
  • SARS is very strict when it comes to Vat returns. And it'll slap you with the following penalties if your Vat payment is late... ››› more
  • [22 January 2014]
  • Revealed: A basic rundown of how the Vat system works
  • Even seasoned Vat professionals sometimes get lost in the Vat maze. Here's a simple, easy-to-follow overview of how the system works. ››› more
  • [22 January 2014]
  • Financial services: Be wary when dealing with the cession and discounting of debts!
  • Are you involved in the supply of financial services? If so, read on to find out why you must tread carefully when it comes to the cession and discounting of debts. ››› more
  • [21 January 2014]
  • What you NEED to know about Tax Clearance Certificates
  • Vat law requires you to get a new Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) every time you apply for a tender or contract. But, what exactly is a TCC and how do you even get it? Continue reading as we tell you everything you NEED to know about TCCs. ››› more
  • [20 January 2014]
  • Vat law allows you to register your legal practice for Vat on either an invoice or payments basis. But, special rules apply if you want to register on a payments basis. Read on to find out what these rules are...
  • [20 January 2014]

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You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
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Employers - You must display a summary of the BCEA and EEA
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ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Even part-time staff must have a contract

40 Tools to Manage your Business Tax Risk

MANDATORY NOTICE FOR ALL EMPLOYERS: no matter how many people you employ 1 or 100

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Giant health and safety mistakes that 2 out of 3 companies make every year

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Attention Employers! From the Department of Labour: Not displaying summaries of the EE Act and BCEA in the workplace is punishable by law

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