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What can you do about employees who didn't show up to work because of today's taxi strike?

It's a jungle in Jo'burg this morning. Not only is the heavy raining causing havoc on the roads, but thousands of workers are stranded due to today's National Taxi Alliance (NTA) strike. And that's bad news for your business. Here's what you need to know about how to handle employees who couldn't [read more...]

How to avoid a Miss SA type nepotism scandal in your workplace

There's a fresh scandal surrounding the Miss South Africa pageant. A few weeks back, news reports indicated that the general public wasn't happy with the choice of judges for the pageant. Now there's a rumours of t. And it's put the spotlight back on nepotism in the workplace. [read more...]

Strikes: What does 'issue in dispute' mean?

News reports this morning indicate that government intends to meet with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) today in a last ditch attempt to halt a mass strike in the mining sector. The looming strike, which is expected to have a devastating impact on the economy, has [read more...]

Labour & HR

  • When is it acceptable to dismiss an employee who isn't on probation?
  • Dismissing an employee who isn't performing isn't a simple process. Failure to follow the correct procedure could land you at the CCMA for unfair dismissal. Don't take that risk. Read on to find out what the law says about dismissing an employee who isn't on probation. ››› more
  • [06 February 2014]
  • Can I deduct cost of damages done to my client's car from my employee's salary?
  • What would happen if one of your employees damages your company's car or gets a ticket for speeding? Do you write it off as a financial loss or can you deduct it from your employee's salary? ››› more
  • [04 February 2014]
  • Part 2: Six more discriminatory selection practices you must avoid at all costs
  • It's unlawful to discriminate against job applicants. To make sure you're not guilty, steer clear of these six discriminatory selection practices. ››› more
  • [04 February 2014]
  • Follow this procedure when your employee returns to work after being absent
  • Employee absenteeism is one of your biggest business headaches a business owner faces because it often means disruption to your business operations. That's why it's important you deal with it accordingly. Use this six-step procedure when an absent employee returns to work. ››› more
  • [04 February 2014]
  • Recruitment 101: Are you legally allowed to conduct reference checks?
  • Conducting reference checks is an important part of the recruitment process. But, is this practice even legal? Read on to find out what labour law says about conducting reference checks. ››› more
  • [04 February 2014]
  • Preparing your company for a lock-out? Here's what you need to know
  • The number of strikes currently on the go in the country is mind-numbing. From the taxi strike in Jo'burg to the on-going mining strikes and even the one at the post office, it's frightening to think how many companies are being held to ransom. Do you have any options? Yes you do! You can always initiate a lock -out! ››› more
  • [03 February 2014]
  • Four tips you can use to boost motivation and morale in your company
  • It's easy to motivate your employees at the beginning of the year when they're all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from their long December break. But now that it's February, you've probably noticed office motivation and company morals is starting to dip. If this is apparent in your workplace, here's what you can do to boost it. ››› more
  • [03 February 2014]
  • Part 1: Nine discriminatory selection practices you MUST avoid in your workplace
  • You're not allowed to discriminate against employees. This includes job applicants. Make sure you avoid discriminating against job applicants on the following nine grounds. ››› more
  • [31 January 2014]
  • Here's how to deal with conflict and infighting in your company
  • The Democratic Alliance (DA) revealed earlier this week that Agang's leader Dr Mamphela Ramphele would be the DA's presidential candidate in the upcoming general elections. Soon after that announcement, reports emerged that there was infighting in Agang SA, with some members saying they weren't consulted about Ramphele's move. The party has since denied the rumors of infighting. It'll be interesting to see what happens next. But what does this have to do with you? Well, conflict doesn't only happen in the world of politics. It could also happen in your business. Read on to find out how to deal with conflict and infighting in your workplace. ››› more
  • [31 January 2014]

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The boss doesn't ask "how?" but "how much". You're the one who has to juggle figures
Employment contracts: what the law says you must do
Strikes can cripple your business - find out how to prevent them
9 Golden rules of Performance Appraisals
Make a dismissal stick, even if it goes to the CCMA
You have to dismiss an employee, but do you know how?
Exclusive report: Calling all HR managers - this is a must read!
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