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New B-BBEE codes unveiled! Find out what this means for your business...
Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has unveiled the new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. Davies announced the new codes yesterday at the B-BBEE summit in Midrand. Reports suggest the codes will be published in the Government Gazette on October 11. Read on [read more...]Department of Trade and Industry set to announce new B-BBEE codes...
The Department of Trade and Industry, together with the Black Economic Empowerment advisory council, will announce new Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice at a summit on 3 and 4 October, Fin24 reports. Read on to find out how this announcement could affect your [read more...]Industrial Action Report finds SA recorded the highest number of strikes last year
A 2012 Industrial Action Report tabled by the Department of Labour (DoL) has showed a significant increase in the number of strikes last year, compared to the previous four years, EyeWitnessNews reports. According to the report, there were 99 strikes recorded last year alone. Here are the key [read more...]by FSP Business, 30 September 2013 |
Implementing your fall protection plan means more than putting papers into a file. You must follow a set method of implementation, says the Health&Safety Advisor.
Here's what you need to do to implement your fall protection plan.
Use these seven steps to implement your fall protection plan
Step1: Train your employees in the safety rules for working at heights;
Step2: Make sure your HSE representatives are present during the training;
Step3: Show them how to wear the fall protection equipment;
Step4: Ensure your HSE representatives understand that just wearing the equipment isn't enough. They have to hook it up to a sturdy structure to protect themselves from falling;
Step5: Complete a training attendance register and make sure you record the correct information.
Step6: Type up the rules (training content of steps 3 and 4), print and laminate them. Display them in a place where your employees can read them all the time; and
Step7: Make sure you do employee safety inspections using the rules as a checklist.
Remember to file away the documents for record purposes.
Well there you have it. With these steps, you'll be sure to implement an effective fall protection plan that complies with the OHSA.
Get the 10 easy steps on how to create your fall protection plan when you turn to chapter F05 of your Health and Safety Advisor.
for how long should a labour broker deduct a service fee from an employee after placement? [see the answer]